Delete a JavaScript object by its id property value

To delete a JavaScript object by its id property value, you can use the filter() method to create a new array with all the objects that don't match the specified id, effectively removing the object with that id. Here's an example:

const myArray = [
  { id: 1, name: "John" },
  { id: 2, name: "Jane" },
  { id: 3, name: "Bob" }

const idToDelete = 2;

// Create a new array without the object with id 2
const newArray = myArray.filter(obj => !== idToDelete);

console.log(newArray); // [{ id: 1, name: "John" }, { id: 3, name: "Bob" }]

In this example, we start with an array of objects called myArray, each with an id property and a name property. We want to remove the object with an id of 2.

To do this, we use the filter() method to create a new array called newArray that includes only the objects from myArray where the id property does not match idToDelete. In other words, we're filtering out the object with id of 2.

The resulting newArray will contain all the original objects from myArray except the one with id of 2.

Note that the filter() method returns a new array, so we're not modifying the original array in place. If you want to modify the original array, you can assign the result of the filter() method back to the original array variable, like this:

myArray = myArray.filter(obj => !== idToDelete);