DOM types of nodes.

In the DOM (Document Object Model), there are several types of nodes, each representing different parts of an HTML or XML document. The nodeType property is used to identify the type of a particular node. Here are the most common nodeType values and their corresponding node types:

  1. Element Node (nodeType === 1): Represents an HTML or XML element. For example, <div>, <p>, <a>, etc.

  2. Attribute Node (nodeType === 2): Represents an attribute of an element. This type of node is not often directly manipulated. Instead, attributes are accessed through the getAttribute() and setAttribute() methods on element nodes.

  3. Text Node (nodeType === 3): Represents the actual text content within an element. For example, the text within a <p> tag.

  4. CDATA Section Node (nodeType === 4): Represents CDATA (unparsed character data) within an XML document. CDATA sections are used to include text that might otherwise be treated as markup.

  5. Entity Reference Node (nodeType === 5): Represents an entity reference, such as &lt; for < or &amp; for &. These references are used to represent characters that have special meanings in HTML and XML.

  6. Entity Node (nodeType === 6): Represents an entity declaration, such as <!ENTITY ...>. Entity declarations define named entities that can be used in the document content.

  7. Processing Instruction Node (nodeType === 7): Represents a processing instruction, such as <?xml ...?> or <?target instruction?>. Processing instructions provide information to applications processing the document.

  8. Comment Node (nodeType === 8): Represents a comment in the document, such as <!-- This is a comment -->.

  9. Document Node (nodeType === 9): Represents the entire document. It's the root of the DOM tree and typically contains one or more child nodes, which are usually HTML elements.

  10. Document Type Node (nodeType === 10): Represents the document type declaration, such as <!DOCTYPE html>. This node specifies the document type and its associated DTD (Document Type Definition).

  11. Document Fragment Node (nodeType === 11): Represents a lightweight container for holding a group of nodes. It's often used to manipulate a group of nodes without affecting the main document structure.

  12. Notation Node (nodeType === 12): Represents a notation declaration, such as <!NOTATION ...>. Notation declarations define named notations for representing non-XML data.

These different node types allow the DOM to represent various parts of an XML or HTML document and provide a structured way to interact with and manipulate the content.

Whatch DOM for ID

// Target element ID to watch for
const targetElementId = 'your-target-id';

// Function to execute when the target element appears
function handleTargetAppearance() {
    console.log('The target element has appeared!');
    // Add your code here to perform actions when the element appears

// Create a mutation observer
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
    for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
        for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
            if (addedNode.nodeType === 1 && === targetElementId) {
                // Target element has appeared
                observer.disconnect(); // Disconnect the observer after handling the appearance

// Start observing the DOM for changes
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });